First came Olivia, who stayed in my ( rather cramped) room for a weekend, where we ate Tacos and watched many films! I also introduced her to 'fika' through many a Cinnamon bun and we tried to get some culture in with a trip to the Architectural museum on a Friday night when it was free entry.....We also tried to be very Swedish in going for to an Ice Hockey match of Sweden vs. Russia...........
.............and we also enjoyed an obligatory hot-dog and giant coke ( maybe I've watched too much Friends, but thought that these were entirely necessary!)

We also decided that walking on the frozen river in Djugarden would also be nice......
And a week later I made the long overnight train trip up to the even more frozen Arctic Circle with my friend Georgina from University. After she spent a brief night in Stockholm we took the train at 18.00 from Stockholm all the way to Abisko, which was surprisingly more comfortable to sleep on compared to the other overnight trains in Eastern Europe I have been on!
Our main intention for visiting the such a cold place was to try to see the Northern lights, which we were lucky enough to do on the first night ( unfortunately, my camera is pretty old skool, so there are no photos to show....) It is kinda hard to describe what they looked like, but it is definitely an experience that will stay with me forever!
In the daytime however we tried out many new cold-weather activities such as dogsledding with huskies, which after some initial apprehension was a lot of fun! And I only fell of once! Here is me rocking a really cool and warm and child-like all-in-one snowsuit........( seriously, I actually wanted to take it home!)
We also tried some cross country skiing, but having NEVER attached skis to myself before, I have to admit the skill shown in this photo is not a true representation of my ability........
We stayed in 2 different hostels, the second being much more like a hotel, we took a trip up a chairlift to have a look at the view from the Abisko Mountain Station ( apparently one of the best places in the world to view the Northen Lights, but we didn't have enough money to afford the night time trip)
Until next time!