onsdag 7 december 2011


Hej from Sweden! 

I'm Hannah from England and will be living and working in Stockholm for the next 9 months! With the EVS program (European Voluntary Service), I have just started working with CISV Sweden, a peace education organisation. I've not worked with CISV before, so its taking some time to familiarise myself with what they do and how they do it! 

I have been in Sweden for an entire month now ( and it has only just started to snow!) It slowly feels like I am settling in more and I am now getting used to eating lunch at 11.30 haha! And also getting more and more excited about Christmas......!

So far in my time here I have been to the Sok meeting, where I met A LOT of people involved with CISV ( thanks for speaking in English a lot!). I then drove ( an Audi, I may add.....quite a step up from my old Nissan Micra) to a place outside Göteborg for my first Impact weekend, which went really well. And this weekend just gone, I was leader at a try-out Village camp in Håbo with some cute 9-11 year olds! But now I am settling into what I am going to be working with, which hopefully will be involving next year's theme of sustainable development......

Last tuesday I started Swedish lessons, but so far have not progressed further than saying my name and if I am married or not.....but the class is very interesting, as it is made up of 15 people, from about 13 different countries!  

I have bought a camera ( a very vintage one at that.....) so will endeavour to post some photos up here soon! But in the meantime here is a sign I saw just along the street from the office, which I think serves as a perfect excuse for not posting that regularly...................

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