Jag har inte uppdatera min blog för en lång tid, förlåt! Denna helg, kommer min kompis Olivia från england till Stockholm! Sedan, ska jag har många fotos.....
Anywaaaay, in the meantime.......I am sure you all know about the TED videos ( if not there are lots of thought-provoking and interesting videos at http://www.ted.com/), but here is really inspiring ( and funny ) talk by Sir Ken Robinson about changing education......
As 2012 is the CISV year of Sustainable Development ( as well as the end of the world.......http://www.cisv.se/1212) I have been doing lots of research around food for camps, but also looking at the different parts of Sustainable Development other than the Environment.
I came across this interesting article about Peace Education and Sustainable Development, which I hope you can read here:http://www.paxeducare.org/Documents/bajaj-chiu%20FINAL.pdf
Hej då för nu :)
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